You don't want none of this.

Month: April 2018

What do you do when…

What do you do when…

your kid is THAT kid at school and in other activities outside of school? I have two boys. One of them is everything you imagine a 4-year-old boy to be. He’s smart. He’s funny. He’s rough as shit but loves his momma fiercely and loves to […]

Wax on. Wax ohshitpleasecomeoff! A CAUTIONARY TALE. No Boys Allowed.

Wax on. Wax ohshitpleasecomeoff! A CAUTIONARY TALE. No Boys Allowed.

So, I went to Target yesterday and I had a list. A small list and pat, pat, pat on my back, I kept my total under $50. But while strolling through the aisles, kid-free, enjoying that Mom’s Day Out High, I remembered one last thing […]

How Bout That Testosterone?!

How Bout That Testosterone?!

Because I hide nothing from anyone, I had posted on facebook back in January or February about a visit I had to my OB/GYN. It started out with the usual…take off all your clothes, throw this little sheet on with your boobies hanging out the front,  […]