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Recent Posts

Fred is NOT Dead.

Fred is NOT Dead.

Let me start this off by letting you know that my husband and I do not share a bed anymore. Our marriage is fine but to keep it that way, SOMEONE had ta go. You see, there is a snoring problem with one of us […]

Show Momma Some Love

Sitting quietly in the Jeep, waiting for the boys to finish sportball. It’s quiet. ❤️But not for long. As I sit here, anxiety is creeping in. I’m bracing myself for Summer. My boys are 15 months apart. Should be a good thing with that built-in playmate […]

Pregnancy. I will NEVER go back.

Pregnancy. I will NEVER go back.

This is from March of 2014. I was 16 months pregnant with my youngest and needed to document how I felt just in case I ever had the ridiculous notion of trying for another baby. The end product gets two thumbs up and excellent reviews […]

This Year’s Christmas Card…

This Year’s Christmas Card…

So, I’m usually pretty clever when it comes to creating a Christmas card every year. With two boys who are willing to do just about anything for candy and a husband who can shop the shit outta some photos, it’s pretty fun to do. We’ve done Elves on […]

Hey, Leslee! You should meet us at ACL!

Hey, Leslee! You should meet us at ACL!

The conversation is the same and it always goes like this… THEM: Hey, you guys should meet us at *insert fun place here* on Saturday! ME: I’d love to but we’d have to find a sitter. THEM: Then get a sitter! ME: It’s Friday. *sigh* […]

No paragraphs. Just like I like ’em.

No paragraphs. Just like I like ’em.

Okay, here we go. Another story from another stay-at-home mom, trying to have her cake and eat it too. But I hope you’ll read to the end. I’d been assistant director in a pre-school for ten years. All I knew after getting out of college, […]

Summer Break. Day Three and We Are All Losing Our Voices.

Summer Break. Day Three and We Are All Losing Our Voices.

I’ll be adding to this all summer. Stay tuned. Summer break. The most trying of times for a stay-at-home mom and her tiny humans. There is only one goal during this time and that is that all of you come out alive and make it […]

What do you do when…

What do you do when…

your kid is THAT kid at school and in other activities outside of school? I have two boys. One of them is everything you imagine a 4-year-old boy to be. He’s smart. He’s funny. He’s rough as shit but loves his momma fiercely and loves to […]

Wax on. Wax ohshitpleasecomeoff! A CAUTIONARY TALE. No Boys Allowed.

Wax on. Wax ohshitpleasecomeoff! A CAUTIONARY TALE. No Boys Allowed.

So, I went to Target yesterday and I had a list. A small list and pat, pat, pat on my back, I kept my total under $50. But while strolling through the aisles, kid-free, enjoying that Mom’s Day Out High, I remembered one last thing […]

How Bout That Testosterone?!

How Bout That Testosterone?!

Because I hide nothing from anyone, I had posted on facebook back in January or February about a visit I had to my OB/GYN. It started out with the usual…take off all your clothes, throw this little sheet on with your boobies hanging out the front,  […]